Which Animal Comes In Last In The Chinese Zodiac?

People have long wondered, "What is the Chinese Zodiac?" The question has intrigued man for centuries and still does. There are several different types of zodiac signs there are different styles and interpretations, but they all have one thing in common. Each of the animals which are depicted in Chinese astrology falls into a category based upon the direction of the individual's life. This article will explain which animal comes in last in the chinese zodiac and help you understand this fascinating subject a bit better.

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which animal comes in last in the chinese zodiac


One of the most popular categories of animals used to determine which animal comes in last is the tiger. The tiger is an intimidating beast, with its thick fur, short physique and powerful bite. It is also revered as the king of the jungle, due to its strength, courage and ferocity. Chinese people often see the tiger as a symbol of power, and the manifestation of a man's might. It is no surprise then that the tiger is seen as the king of the astrology signs.


The dragon is another popular choice among those who answer the question "which animal comes in last in the Chinese Zodiac." The dragon is a legendary creature, which dwell in the endless waters of the Pacific Ocean, and can only be harmed by those who dwell within its deepest waters. The dragon is also believed to be a symbol for wisdom and enlightenment.

Which Animal Comes In Last In The Chinese Zodiac?


Another animal often seen as being representative of the zodiac sign is the horse. Like the tiger, the horse is also a symbol of strength, courage and power. Because it is the symbol of freedom, it is seen as a sign of hope and victory for anyone who chooses to ride on its back. However, just as there are different aspects of the characteristics of the animals which are represented by the Chinese astrology signs, there are also different meanings associated with each particular sign. The meaning of which animal comes in last in the Chinese Zodiac may be different than the meaning attributed to it by others.


The horse is one of the few animals which does not come in all four of the Chinese zodiac signs. It is found in both the Northern and Southern sections of the Chinese astrological calendar. When it appears in the Chinese Zodiac, it is seen as a sign of death and weakness, but it is also considered to represent vitality and strength. While this may be true for some, others will take on the belief that the horse which comes in last in the Chinese zodiac is an important symbol within the Chinese astrology signs.


The dragon is another example which shows how the meaning varies between the various astrology signs. For some people, the dragon represents the emperor or a powerful and respected figure, but for many others, the dragon represents wickedness and evil. One of the reasons why this occurs is due to the fact that there is a conflict between the Yin (feminine energy) and Yang (which is masculine energy).


Another example which proves that there is no universal meaning attributed to the Chinese zodiac signs is the pig. There is no sign which relates the pig to either gender, but many people believe that the pig is representative of a female energy. This is because the body of the pig is long and fat. It is also believed that this is a sign of the winter. In addition, many people correlate the pig with death because of the fact that it represents decay and mortality. Finally, the pig is not associated with any element and so is seen as the last element in the Chinese Zodiac.


It is interesting to note that the Chinese do not attach particular significance to their astrological signs. The same goes with the belief that the North Pole is the perfect place for happiness and the South Pole is the place of sadness and woe. With that said, it is interesting to know that the Chinese believe their astrological charts contain information that helps them understand which animal comes in last in the Chinese Zodiac.

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